Chazz Princeton is a 15 year old member of the Obelisk Blue dorm. He was the leader of Team Elite, until he is defeated
by Jaden Yuki A formerly peerless duelist, believing himself to be the most elite duelist in Duel Academy, Chazz led the Obelisk
Blue dorm and is selfish and arrogant. Chazz originally thought that Jaden is a dropout boy who didn't belong in the school.
When first they meet, Chazz gave Jaden a chance to show him his real power in a duel. However, the duel was interrupted before
Jaden can rightfully win, causing Chazz to believe he was the decided winner.
Later, Chazz was defeated by Jaden even despite his use of several extremely rare cards provided by Crowler. Eventually
he became so dispirited and confused from his losses he left Duel Academy and entered North Academy. There, he defeated the
top duelists and becomes the "king" of the school, gaining the catch phrase "Chazz it up,""Chazz it up,"Show no mercy!"
. He was North Academy's representative of the North School, facing off Jaden, who defeated Bastion Misawa for the
spot of Duel Academy representative. It was by that time that it was revealed Chazz was the youngest of three brothers, with
his brothers Slade Princeton and Jagger Princeton being the heads of the political and financial worlds respectively.
Thus, Chazz was pressured to become the head of the dueling world and thus esure the Princeton Family's supriority worldwide.
Choosing to handle the duel on his term, Chazz was defeated again but realized the errors of his ways and was finally able
to take charge of his own life. Though he was welcomed back to Duel Academy, he had to restart from the Slifer Red dorm. But
from the ordeal, Chazz, like Jaden, obtained a spirit partner in the form of Ojama Yellow, who Chazz found annoying. Chazz
was then chosen as one of the seven Gatekeepers due to his dueling skills. But he was soon faced off against Slade in a duel
to determine ownership of Duel Academy and won.
Card List
Chazz went through several decks during the shows run. In the beginning the character uses a Chthonian-based deck, although
during one duel, after being given a number of rare cards by Crowler, he also ran a VWXYZ deck, relying on the five polymer
monsters. Later he uses an Armed Dragon deck against Jaden in the representative duel, as well as some of the cards he
had to find in order to gain entry to the North Academy. Against his brother Slade, he uses a low-level, high defense deck.
If Slade won the duel, the ownership of Duel Academy would pass from Seto Kaiba to Slade, but Chazz was not allowed to
use monsters with more than 500 attack points. Chazz went to the school well and managed to recover many new but weak
cards in there. The cards there were useless cards that other duelists threw away (because they all had 0 attack points.)
From that point, Chazz combined his previous decks with the Ojama Trio and supporting cards as his trump-card in his duels.
Chthonian/V to Z Deck
Monster Cards
- Reborn Zombie
- Chthonian Soldier
- Helpoemer
- Pandemonium Watchbear
- Mefist, the Infernal General
- V-Tiger Jet
- W-Wing Catapult
- X-Head Cannon
- Y-Dragon Head
- Z-Metal Tank
- VW-Tiger Catapult
- XYZ-Dragon Cannon
- VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon
- Infernal Incinerator
Spell Cards
- Magical Mallet
- Frontline Base
- Chthonian Alliance
- Inferno Reckless Summon
- Lightning Vortex
Trap Cards
- Chthonian Polymer
- Call of the Haunted
- Chthonian Blast
North Acadamey Entrance Deck
Monster Cards
- Ojama Yellow
- KA-2 Des Scissors
- Giant Rat
- Gyaku-Gire Panda
- Skull Knight #2
- Disc Fighter
- Gemini Devils
Spell Cards
- Chaos End
- Limiter Removal
- Ring of Defense
- Inferno Tempest
Trap Cards
- Ring of Destruction
- Return From the Different Dimension
Armed Dragon Deck
Monster Cards
- Ojama Yellow
- KA-2 Des Scissors
- Giant Rat
- Gyaku-Gire Panda
- Skull Knight #2
- Disc Fighter
- Gemini Devils
- Masked Dragon
- Armed Dragon LV3
- Armed Dragon LV5
- Armed Dragon LV7
- Flying Kamikiri #1
- Despair from the Dark
Spell Cards
- Chaos End
- Limiter Removal
- Ring of Defense
- Inferno Tempest
- The Graveyard in the Fourth Dimension
- Level Up!
- Armed Changer
Trap Cards
- Ring of Destruction
- Return From the Different Dimension
- Call of the Haunted
- The Grave of Enkindling
Ojama Deck
Monster Cards
- Ojama Yellow
- Ojama Black
- Ojama Green
- Soul Tiger
- Spirit of the Breeze
- Catnipped Kitty
- Castle Gate
- Copycat
- Royal Magical Library
- The Unhappy Maiden
- Chaos Necromancer
- Relinquished
Spell Cards
- The Dark Door
- Painful Choice
- Thunder Crash
- Enchanting Fitting Room
- Pot of Greed
- Ojama Delta Hurricane!!
Love Deck
Monster Cards
- Ojama Yellow
- Ojama Black
- Ojama Green
- Ojama King
Spell Cards
- Polymerization
- Love Letter
- Giant Trunade
- Hidden Affection
- Graceful Charity
- Dress Up
Trap Cards
- Chthonian Polymer (Hell Polymer)
- Ojama Trio
- Map of the Buried Treasure
- Forked Path of Destiny - Dramatic Crossroad
Current Deck
Monster Cards
- V-Tiger Jet
- W-Wing Catapult
- X-Head Cannon
- Y-Dragon Head
- Z-Metal Tank
- VW-Tiger Catapult
- XYZ-Dragon Cannon
- VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon
- Ojama Yellow
- Ojama Black
- Ojama Green
- Ojama King
- Mecha Ojama King
- Ojamachine Yellow
- Masked Dragon
- Armed Dragon LV3
- Armed Dragon LV5
- Armed Dragon LV7
- Armed Dragon LV10
- Despair from the Dark
- Assault Cannon Beetle
Spell Cards
- The Graveyard in the Fourth Dimension
- Level Up!
- Armed Changer
- Ring of Defense
- Enchanting Fitting Room
- Pot of Greed
- The Dark Door
- Thunder Crash
- Ojama Delta Hurricane!!
- Ojamagic
- Ojamuscle
- Polymerization
- Love Letter
- Giant Trunade
- Hidden Affection
- Graceful Charity
- Dress Up
- Ojama Get Ride
- Ojamandala
- Change! Mecha Ojama King
- Hell's White
- Level Down!
- White Veil
- Level Modulation
- Magical Mallet
- Frontline Base
- Chthonian Alliance (Hell Alliance)
- Fiend Sanctuary
- Lightning Vortex
Trap Cards
- Ojama Delta Brief!
- Ojama Trio
- Map of the Buried Treasure
- Forked Path of Destiny - Dramatic Crossroad
- Ring of Destruction
- Call of the Haunted
- The Grave of Enkindling